2024 European SDG Barometer

Restitution Event of the 2024 Edition

26th September 2024 - Monarch Rooftop, New-York

Please fill out the form below to register to our event. 

European Networks of the UN Global Compact are please to invite you to their European SDGs Barometer Restitution event.

This 2024 edition of the SDG Barometer takes the form of a comparative analysis between 10 European Networks of the United Nations Global Compact (France, Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Switzerland/Liechtenstein, Greece, Ireland, Bulgaria, Serbia and Turkey).

At a time when European regulations are evolving considerably, the SDGs constitute a common grammar enabling companies to better prepare for this normative change. It is therefore essential to measure their appropriation and implementation by the private sector.

Discover the results of the 2024 edition and hear the latest thoughts and debates during our panel discussion on how to move forward faster.



10:00-10:30 : Welcoming attendees

10:30 - 10:50 : Welcoming Remarks by Nils Pedersen, Executive Director, UN Global Compact France

10:55 - 11:30 : First panel discussion moderated by Daniela Bernacchi, Executive Director, UN Global Compact Italy

Émilie Bobin, Partner & Head of Sustainability, PwC France & Maghreb

Domingo Zarzo Martínez, Strategic Projects and Branding Director, Sacyr

11:35 - 12:10 : Second panel discussion moderated by Melda Çele, Executive Director, UN Global Compact Türkiye

Derya Özet Yalgı, Sustainability Director, Sabancı Holding

Carlotta Ventura, Chief Communication, Sustainability and Regional Affairs Officer, A2A

12:15 - 12:25 : Closing Remarks by Cristina Sánchez, Co-Chair, Global Network Council and Executive Director, UN Global Compact Spain

12:25 - 13:15 : Cocktail and networking


Join us

Monarch Rooftop
71 W 35th Street
New-York, NY 10001
Online (Zoom meeting)